
The submission system is now closed. Thank you for the overwhelming response to our Call for Work.

From computational design, to material performance and manipulation, to robotic fabrication, FABRICATE will promote the full spectrum of research and creative practice currently occurring within architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation. Our Call for Work is open for submissions of built or partially built projects by individuals or collaborators in academia, practice and industry. We welcome submissions that examine how the latest digital design and fabrication technologies are enabling new creative and construction opportunities from component to building scales, the many novel techniques being developed to bridge the difficult gap that exists between digital modeling and its realization, material performance and manipulation, off-site and on-site construction, interdisciplinary education, economic and sustainable contexts. The submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts and those selected will be featured in the FABRICATE publication. A smaller selection of projects will be presented at the conference.

Submission guidelines


— All projects should be submitted using our online submission page on EasyChair. No submissions will be accepted by email or post.

— All authors will need to agree to the Terms & Conditions document on EasyChair which covers intellectual property and copyright issues.

— All abstract submissions should be blind with no mentions on authors’ names, institutions, collaborators etc.

All submissions of work selected for the next stage will not be peer reviewed again and should NOT be blind. Please include all necessary credits, acknowledgements and copyrights relating to the submitted material.

Submission stage 1EXTENDED Deadline 30.07.2016

You are asked to submit a single .PDF file with a short abstract (max. 500 words) and up to 10 images. Please use images that you would be able to provide in high resolution should your work be selected for inclusion in the publication. Any image references and copyrights have to be cleared by the author prior to submission.

Submission stage 2Deadline 03.10.2016

If your submission is selected by the peer reviewers to go through to the next stage, you will be required to submit a single .zip file via Easychair containing the following:

A. Text in .doc format

The text should be 1,800-2,900 words long and be submitted in .doc.
It should be in English and written in third person.
Please do not use footnotes or endnotes.
The word count is exclusive of references, acknowledgements, image captions and credits.
You are welcome to include references using the Harvard referencing style (more info can be found here).

B. 10 – 15 Images

You are asked to submit 10-15 high resolution or raw image files in CMYK format where possible. Please also submit a separate text file with image captions and credits. The images should be named after the project title, followed by a number (i.e. “my_project_title-1.tiff”,“my_project_title-2.tiff etc.) The image captions and credits should also follow the same numbering. All image references and copyrights should be cleared by the author prior to the submission.

C. Separate text file with image captions and credits

Please note that full submissions will not be peer reviewed again so they should not be blind. We expect all work at this stage to be fully credited inclusive of all authors’, contributors’ details as well as all necessary image credits and copyrights.


By submitting projects for FABRICATE 2017, authors agree with the FABRICATE 2017 / UCL Press – TERMS & CONDITIONS. Access the T&C document here.


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